Thursday 24 March 2016

Easter Update

Totally unrelated update: In an earlier post I mention a boyfriend, all I have to say is he is no longer mine and that has been the case for a few months now. 

As you know this weekend coming up is Easter weekend. There are a few things I like about Easter.

1. Time with family. 
2. Springtime weather (fingers crossed it will be warm) 
3. Two weeks off school 

4. Lambs 

5. A nice meal 

And I forgot to mention...chocolate!


So I love Easter  and today my school had a church service. The service focused on the easter story and as a believer in the Christian god, it made me think that despite all the bad in the world there really is some good. 

Since mid-February I have felt that my life has been going up and down. There has been social problems that will eventually sort themselves out and exam preparation which has been making me want to tear my hair out. 
I guess I can only do my best and then have a relaxing summer. I've even got a prom coming up this summer. Its the first one I'll ever have and I can't wait. 

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